White chocolate cheesecake
Note de Stoeffler: cet article a été entièrement rédigé par Marga, toute plainte devra lui être adrréssée…
After many false promises of pudding, here is the recipe for White Chocolate Cheesecake*. The Greek Yoghurt gives it an interesting twist. Thank you to Katherine who gave me the recipe many cheesecakes ago…
Ready to serve!
Serves 8-12
21-23 cm Springform tin (not essential, but makes life easier)
– Sunflower Oil (for greasing the tin).
-60g butter
-40g Plain Chocolate plus 10-20g for grating.
-200g Digestive Biscuits (McVities Original in France)
-150g White Chocolate
-250g Philadelphia
-200g Plain Greek Yoghurt
-75g Caster Sugar
-285ml Double Cream or Crème Fleurette
Grease the tin and line the base with baking paper.
For the base: Melt the butter and 40g dark chocolate together, crush the biscuits into crumbs, then combine them. Press into the base of the tin with a spoon. Chill in the fridge until the rest is ready.
For the topping: Melt the white chocolate (carefully!), and then beat in the Philadelphia, yoghurt and sugar.
Whip the cream until fluffy, and fold into the white chocolate mixture.
Spread onto the biscuit base, and chill in the fridge for at least 4 hours, or preferably overnight.
Grate the remaining dark chocolate over the cheesecake, or add other decoration.
Niam niam niam.
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Love the disclaimer ! ;)
Ce dessert est trop top!